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Posts tagged ‘contact paper’

Ethel and Eunice gone wild!

This is a before, after and another after kind of post. Beware, it’ll get worse before it gets better.

I just styled the family room bookcases a few months ago. At the time I kind of liked them.

Now? I’m having one of those “what was I thinking” moments. Do you ever have those?

It wasn’t horrible. I did it back during my silhouette obsession of 2011.

I’m over it now.

pssttt…. Just in case you are in the midst of silhouette obsession 2012, this collection will be available next Wednesday! 🙂

On to the facelift. I found this beautiful black and white toile wallpaper that is very pricey at an exclusive boutique.

You know I’m just messin with ya, right? It’s contact paper from The Dollar Tree.

Whatchu talkin bout Willis? Yep. One dollar a roll. Under $5 bucks to do the whole thing. That’s how I roll. Get it, roll? Moving on…

Once it was finished, I freaked. Not in a good way.

Suh-weet Potato Fries…that is HIDEOUS! Looks like Ethel and Eunice got into the cooking sherry and had themselves a little Grannies Gone Wild party.

Time to assess what it is that is “off.”

The crisp, clean “wallpaper” makes all the silhouettes and old books look dirty.  Get outta town, brown!

So I took everything down and started again. This time with photos (of people I actually know and love!) and some of my favorite things… clocks, books, numbers, silver and baskets.

This is my all-time favorite photo of my children back when they were munchkins. It was our Christmas card photo about 8 years ago. Sniff.

And here’s the after…Eunice and Ethel were kind of ticked that I messed up their handiwork. 😉

And because I love side by side comparisons…

I’m still plugging away on the sleeping porch project. It’s slow going because the dang, crazy weather here is not cooperating with my plans. We are supposed to get 4-9 inches of snow later today. That room is cold and I’m a wimp, so not much progress will be made.

I hope you local gals will visit Tattered Tiques this week. They are stuffed to the gills with amazing vintage goodness.

Are you working on any fun projects? How’s your weather? Do you have any spring break plans?

Talk to me…

Linking up at these rockin parties!

{Primp}The Shabby Nest